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The testimony of Brookie and stage 4 liver cancer
Written by Terri Morey   
Monday, 09 July 2012 10:08

                         The testimony of Brookie and stage  4 liver cancer


Dear Family and friends,                                             19 June, 2012


I thought I would introduce this story to you by showing you something I sent to Brookie last week, so you can see what  I think of her.


You're such a good influence on me.


You're like my coach,

my cheerleader,

my marching band

all rolled into one person.


Your confidence in me

gives me confidence in me.


I can never fail

with you in my corner.

I go for the goal

'cause you've got my back.

I give it all I've got

because you would expect nothing less.


Having you as my friend makes me a winner.



( I have met few people in my life that have allowed me to feel the way I do when I am around her…when I saw the above article called “friendship”….I knew I had to send it to her)   It seemed right to share this with you who read this….because she has influenced many people with her ability to see the good in everything.


Brookie learned she had stage 4  liver  cancer almost one year ago l6 August, 2011..  (that date is her spiritual birthday)


One of the first things she said to me when she learned what she had was that she did not

want people to say anything to her except positive words and Scripture to edify her.  “Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression but a good word makes the heart glad!” Prov. l2:25


“A merry heart does good like a medicine” Prov. 17:22


Her attitude has always been good and  since she has had this bout with stage 4 liver cancer, it has been greater.


I read just recently posted on the wall of a hotel the following: “your attitude will determine your action.”


Taking a course with John Maxwell, I read and accepted the following advice from this  leader.  “Proverbs also lists some abominations to the Lord.  Consider them  a moment, pride, coveting, lust, envy, anger, gluttony and slothfulness,  All are matters of the attitude.


“You must initiate the attitude you want in return.”


She determined right away that she would not allow the medical reports to dictate to her what she should feel.


She belongs to God and only He can determine if she will live or die.


She has a adopted this Scripture for her new card which she will present to people who want to stay in touch with her: “I will sing to the Lord as long as I live, I will praise God to my last breath.”  Psalm l04:33


It seemed only right that I would write a testimony of this woman’s life as a cancer patient, and tell you who have heard bad reports concerning yourselves or loved ones….


Only you can determine what kind of attitude you will have, it is all up to you, and often I think of this: “your attitude with determine your action”



We have been taught that every thought should be held captive the obedience of the Messiah…..how true this is, it is in our thought life that we  become who we are….


Thoughts become actions, and actions right or wrong can determine the outcome of any situation.


In the beginning of this walk with my friend Brookie, I was there when the Lord showed her:  “Do not doubt but believe”


I was there when one of the reports showed her stage 4 liver cancer had increased in points, and the doctors were shaking their heads when they gave her this report, she has decided long time ago that she would neither take chemo therapy or radiation treatment, she would rather explain to the doctors about what she believes, and Who she believes in and how much He loves them.


On one sunny day, my grandson and I were walking in downtown Tiberias, when we spotted Brookie who had just come out of the doctor’s office with another negative report, one that was rather shocking, and my grandson spoke God’s life giving word into her spirit..    Instantly she was uplifted.   We did not realize she was going for a report that morning, but God knew we needed to be on the corner we were so we could encourage her.


Many times when we are in gatherings, someone will come up to me and say:  “what is she really going through how is she really?”…..I always say the same thing:  “what you see is who she is…..she believes that this bout with cancer is to open doors for her to be a witness in the medical world she was never a part of.”


She has always lived with good health, never was a visitor to doctors or hospitals, in fact she made a remark when she first was hospitalized with another illness 2 years ago…which is called: “diverticulitis” She nor I had ever heard of, she had violent pains in her stomach….rushed to the  emergency room in Poriya hospital.   She was told this problem came from improper digestion of seeds (such as popcorn etc.)  Her attitude was show me what is right for me to eat, and I will avoid those foods which could cause this to happen to me again.


Your attitude will determine your action.


She is a bright and cheerful person anyhow, but since this disease has come upon her body, she has become more direct with people, is more cheerful and seems to say exactly what is on her mind, instantly, always in love, but nothing lingers in her spirit that should not be there…


“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”  Hebrews 4:12


When one has an illness in one’s body, I am sure this Scripture becomes more …..and more important in how we allow thoughts to become actions.


At the end of this week she will make a trip to England meeting up with another friend of ours, and she will be speaking to many people ….and there is no doubt in my mind that she will use the condition of her body  to speak to many.


Summing up what I  feel is taking place in the life of my friend, Brookie is the following.


She is a witness for the Lord where ever she goes and what ever she does, that is her greatest joy to be able to share the wonderful life that she has belonging to the Lord of Lords and living to advance the kingdom of God.


Because she has a disorder in her body, that most people shutter when they hear what has been diagnosed to Brookie, she has a peace in her heart, that God will use her where ever He places her, and she delights in the Lord, and is at peace either here in the land of her inheritance or in the home that has been made for her in heaven.


What gives me joy to watch is the way she handles each blow …concerning her medical diagnosis….each time the reports show no progress the last one showed a jump in points to 700….


What is considered normal for a person with her cell count is 05.…hers is l,753.77…


She is vivacious, she is happy, she is overflowing with joy, and she looks very healthy.


May those who suffer from maladies in their bodies take a close look at this testimony  and consider what your attitude is towards your condition.  No matter what your report is…remember He is your shield, your glory and  the lifter of your head.  Psalm 3:3


God holds His word above His name Psalm l38:2.  This is why we need His word hidden in our hearts.


With love,








Last Updated on Monday, 09 July 2012 10:21
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